3Q 2006 Wireless Metrics for the Top Seven U.S. Carriers

Market Share

This data is for the top seven carriers. The remaining carriers are so small that for all intents and purposes this data represents close to 100% of Wireless Subscribers

Cingular holds steady, but clearly Radio Shack has not delivered any increase in
market share as they had hoped. Verizon and T-Mobile significantly increased market
share in the third quarter while Sprint lost significant market share


US Cellular ARPU is Estimated for 3rd Quarter 2006

ARPUs begin to recover. Only Cingular, U.S. Cellular, and Dobson are still below $50.
Sprint has leveled out after a long decline, but still leads the other carriers by a large margin
 due to the high-revenue Nextel customers

Verizon is in a class by itself in terms of churn. Cingular's churn is now
 increasing again, and Sprint has experienced a large increase in churn

Copyright 2006, The Nordic Group